

Natural, Non-Toxic Mosquito Spray

I was working on mittens yesterday and making mosquito spray today. Ah, spring in New England. Among the first plants to emerge in spite of the chill in the air are the two herbs, lemon balm and catnip. Once you establish these plants, they are impossible to get rid of. They multiply like crazy, so don't run out and buy them if you don't already have them in your garden. Almost anyone who has them will have little plants that they can give you.

To make a very easy, inexpensive, safe mosquito spray all you need are these two fresh herbs, apple cider vinegar, and two weeks. Simply snip sprigs of each plant in about equal amounts and pack them into any glass jar you might have handy. You can alternate layers, as I do, or just guess-timate and fill the jar halfway with one and then fill it up with the other, packing it down as you go. 

Add some apple cider vinegar to cover the herbs. You may use a spoon to crush or pound the leaves if you wish. You can give the jar a shake a couple of times a day to keep them in contact with the vinegar or simply weight the herbs down with a scrubbed rock. I keep a small box of rocks that I've collected for this purpose in a cupboard. The summer I was on that mission, I kept two canning rings in my car so if the opportunity arose to pick up smooth, round rocks, I could use the lids to determine if they were the correct size. It worked. I have a nice little selection. Scrub them, then boil them or run them through the dishwasher. You never know if someone's dog tinkled on them.

On that date...or later if the mosquitoes haven't arrived yet...strain it into a clean jar with a tight fitting lid. I like to mix it half and half with water in a spray bottle with a fine mist sprayer. I keep one by my milking stand and one in the house. Run right out and get some lemon balm and catnip to put in a corner of your garden this spring. There is still time. The mosquitoes will be out all summer and fall and you'll be glad you did!

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